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Reverse nipples in women often have a variety of problems, including difficulty breastfeeding. Apart from the problems related to breast function, this condition can also be examined from an aesthetic point of view. Fortunately, new surgical procedures are helping to completely solve the problem of inverted nipples. For more information about this method, read more and fill out the form above to benefit from free consultation and inquiry about the price of reverse nipple surgery in Iran .

Inverted Nipple Surgery in Iran: the fact You Need to Know

Having a perfect body is important for most women, if not all. A small deformity such as an inverted or flat nipple may bother them throughout their lives. With expensive cosmetic / medical services around the world, repairing reverse nipples outside of your own country makes sense and even smarter. Thanks to the development of medical technologies and facilities, performing nipple surgery is not dangerous at all. Especially when you choose a country that becomes a plastic surgery center with more than 250,000 cosmetic surgeries a year.
Before we continue, let's see exactly what reverse nipple correction surgery is, how much it costs, how it is performed in Iran, and the like

What are inverted nipples?

An inverted nipple is a nipple that is turned inwards into the breast rather than pointing outwards. Inverted nipples are mostly congenital and are not uncommon, affecting up to 20% of men and women. It may affect one or both sides. The problem is largely cosmetic although in some women it can make breastfeeding difficult or impossible. Some nipples are inverted at rest but will pop out with sexual, manual or cold stimulation. Others are permanently inverted. There is a variation of an inverted nipple that is referred to as ‘flat nipple’, where the nipple lies against the areola and neither protrudes nor inverts .

What causes inverted nipples?

The usual cause of nipple inversion is that the nipples are pulled inwards by short tight milk ducts. Sometimes gradual drooping of the breast tissue (ptosis) can occur faster than the ducts will stretch and the nipple inverts. Another cause is fibrosis caused by inflammation such as a breast abscess or chronic mastitis. Inverted nipples can also be caused by trauma, breastfeeding, breast infections or breast cancer. In some cases, patients may be born with the condition. However, if a previously normal nipple begins a turn in without reason, it may well signal a breast tumour beneath. This should be immediately reported to your doctor .

Should I consider nipple surgery to correct my inverted nipple?

You should consider nipple surgery to correct your inverted nipple if they are causing confidence and self-esteem issues. While nipple inversion correction is often purely cosmetic, the aesthetic nature of the procedure does not undermine its value or importance. When it comes to nipples, there are many variations and there is no right or wrong shape. Although protruding nipples are considered the aesthetic standard, there is no medical reason to correct nipple inversion, except to allow breastfeeding (though, as noted above, nipple inversion can be a sign of a medical issue). Nipples are there to breastfeed and throughout pregnancy, all nipples tend to become more prominent. This will enable a proportion of inverted nipples to correct themselves. There are also clever gadgets called Niplettes which when applied over the nipple gradually evert it by suction. This often works for a less severe problem .

Should I consider inverted nipple surgery if I want to breastfeed?

If you want to breastfeed, the nipple is the first contact. If the nipple is destroyed by stimulation, then this is encouraging. Even if the nipple is permanently reversed, slightly more complex surgery can still be successful.

If you know you do not want to breastfeed, surgery is easier because the milk ducts can be cut

Can inverted nipples be fixed?

There are a number of things that purport to fix inverted nipples, although surgery is the only way guaranteed to fix the problem. The Hoffman technique is a form of stimulation used for drawing out inverted nipples. It has been practised since the 1950s. This is not a long term solution. Suction devices, such as cups or shells, can stimulate the nipple and make it protrude. However, there has been no research to back up whether these devices are fully effective. Some people claim nipple piercing can help to draw out inverted nipples. However many people find this does not work and the nipple may invert again once the body jewellery is taken out. The most effective treatment for inverted nipples is nipple reduction surgery, which is carried out in iran with reasonable price. Nipple reduction surgery can reduce the height and width of the nipple, reshape the nipple into a more desirable form and treat size and shape asymmetries in the surrounding areola. All surgeries are able to preserve sensation and aim to restore a more balanced, pleasing chest appearance.
Nipple reduction can be carried out on its own under local anaesthesia or in combination with other procedures under general anaesthesia, such as breast reduction, breast lift, breast augmentation or mummy makeovers. Whatever your requirements, the Iranian Surgeon can provide the leading breast experts and techniques for your treatment at Iran-of-the-art facility in order to achieve your desired aesthetic and a better-proportioned nipple

What happens during inverted nipple surgery?

Inverted nipple surgery is usually performed under local or general anaesthetic. It is usually performed as day case surgery meaning you will be able to go home the same day as the procedure. The surgery takes between 30 minutes and 2 hours. Your surgeon will cut under your nipple and free it from the surrounding tissue. A stitch is secured and placed around the nipple and a small splint is applied to hold it in a protruding position. The stitch and splint will need to remain in place for about one week. A gauze dressing may be applied .

After inverted nipple surgery

When the effects of the anaesthetic have worn off you will be able to go home. It is a good idea to have someone drive you home.You will be asked to avoid doing anything strenuous for at least one week. Most patients can return to work in just a fews days. You may experience slight swelling or bruising. If you have any pain take over the counter pain medications such as paracetamol. You may be advised not to wear padded bras or tight tops for 10 - 14 days following surgery. This is to avoid compressing the nipple. Everyone recovers differently from surgery. Be sure and discuss any concerns you have with your consultant .

What complications can occur?

Most patients recover quickly from inverted nipple surgery. Every surgical procedure has a risk of complications :

Cost of Nipple Correction Surgery in Iran

The cost of reverse nipple correction surgery varies depending on the surgeon, hospital and anesthesiologist. Reverse nipple surgery in Iran starts from $ 500 and reaches up to $ 1000 (including all related costs). The treatment, however, costs 1,500 to 4,360 in the UK, $ 2,000 to $ 4,000 in the US, $ 1,500 in Turkey and $ 1,200 in India. Therefore, although the quality of surgeries such as surgeon skills, hospital facilities and high check-up, nipple correction is much more economical in Iran than in other countries, even in India, which is one of the most famous centers of medical tourism in the world. the world . This cosmetic surgery is usually not covered by insurance.

Frequently Asked Questions about Inverted Nipple Treatment

Is nipple inversion surgery painful?

correction of inverted nipples can be performed using local anesthesia in an office setting. Injecting the local anesthetic is a little uncomfortable but then the procedure itself is painless. After the procedure, over-the-counter pain medication is sufficient. Healing takes a couple of weeks.

Is bleeding normal after inverted nipple surgery?

Bleeding (haematoma) It is common to have some mild oozing from the surgical incisions for a few days following a procedure to correct nipple inversion.

How long do nipple scars take to heal?

Non-surgical treatment can be used to help with the texture and colour these include moisturising and massage, silicone creams, silicone dressing and pressure garments. It is important to remember that scarring can take up to two years to fully settle and some people will need treatment for this length of time.

Can you get bigger nipples with surgery?

For most women, nipple surgery is done for one of four reasons: Make the nipple and/or areola more symmetrical. Make the nipple and/or areola smaller. Make the nipples larger.

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