Get a six-piece abdomen with a natural appearance with advanced liposculpting techniques in modern Iranian hospitals and clinics at the most affordable price.
For people who’ve tried unsuccessfully for years to achieve six-pack abs with diet and exercise, the idea of abdominal etching may be very appealing. Abdominal etching first gained popularity in the 1990s. Since then, new technologies have allowed cosmetic surgeons to carry out this type of liposuction with results that are more consistent and predictable. But results do vary widely, and not everyone reports being satisfied with their results .
Abdominal etching is a type of liposuction procedure. Liposuction is the second most popular cosmetic procedure in the Iran, Shiraz, with over 250,000 liposuction procedures performed every year. Like traditional liposuction, abdominal etching uses a suction technique to remove fat deposits from underneath your skin. What makes abdominal etching unique are the results that it aims to achieve. Instead of removing fat from your midsection with the simple goal of a slimmer appearance, abdominal etching removes fat deposits in an advanced and strategic way. This type of liposuction molds and shapes your abdominal wall so that your ab muscles look more prominent .
The ab etching procedure involves removing fat deposits from between each of the stomach muscles while leaving it on top of them. The patient’s natural abdominal musculature is highlighted and sculpted to look and feel more fit and firm, creating a furrow-like appearance.
A highly skilled surgeon at either VASER liposuction or power-assisted liposuction and has mastered the etching technique and will strategically mold and shape the abdominal wall to create the desired effect
This procedure is meant for individuals who:
You are still a good candidate if you have undergone tummy tucks or liposuction in the past, but still desire a more chiselled appearance. But before going ahead, it is a good idea to speak to your doctor to discuss whether abdominal etching is right for you .
Your abdominal etching procedure will take about an hour, on average .
The plastic surgeon draws a cut line on the abdomen before surgery .
The recovery period after abdominal etching is fairly short. Patients
are required to wear a compression garment for a three to six weeks
post-surgery and should only be removed when bathing. Patients will
experience some discomfort, swelling and bruising whilst recovering,
however this should subside within few days to weeks. Most
patients are able to return to work a few days after the procedure has
been carried out, although this may be longer if you work in a
physically demanding job as patients are advised not to take part in
exercise that puts pressure on the abdomen, such as lifting heaving
items. However, it is important to remember that everyone’s
recovery will vary depending on an individual’s pain tolerance and
healing response
Abdominal etching is considered a low-risk cosmetic procedure. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t a risk of complications and side effects.Common side effects after a liposuction procedure like abdominal etching include :
You may also notice pus or discharge from your operation site. Contact your doctor if the pus is green or yellow.
Fever in the days after abdominal etching is also a sign of infection. Tell your doctor about these side effects, and if you suspect an infection, seek emergency medical care immediately
The overall cost of abdominal etching surgery in Iran is much more reasonable than in many other countries. While the price of Six Pack surgery in Iran varies depending on the amount of fat removed, the surgeon's experience, the cost of the clinic and the liposuction method, the cost of abdominal etching in Iran, including all related costs (anesthesia) averages about $ 2,000. Is. , Drugs, etc.). The average cost of abdominal etching surgery in the United States and the United Kingdom is $ 7,000 and $ 8,000, respectively .
Abdominal etching is similar to traditional liposuction, which is very similar to surgery preparation, recovery time, and conditions.
The results of abdominal etching are much more prominent and dramatic than traditional liposuction. It may also be more expensive and easier to find a provider trained in this particular method.
Abdominal etching is an advanced or three-dimensional liposuction, which means that the results are very specific and target specific areas of your body.
Traditional liposuction is not very accurate. However, this means that if abdominal etching does not improve properly, or if your body heals in a way that your doctor did not anticipate, you will most likely need corrective surgery
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