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Forehead feminization involves the reconstruction of the forehead bone by shaving the upper arch and all the protrusions of the forehead bone. This is why many women, even men who suffer from forehead protrusion, seek eyebrow reduction surgery to eliminate or reduce forehead protrusion, also known as Neanderthal forehead surgery. In this article, we explain about this operation and the benefits of reducing forehead bone in Iran. Please read more about all aspects of this surgery.

Before and after Brow Bone Reduction Photo

Brow Bone Reduction in Iran: All you need to know

Eyebrow Bone Reduction surgery or Neanderthal forehead surgery It is a delicate surgical procedure that can be performed to get rid of an overly masculine appearance. This procedure is usually done for aesthetic purposes and as part of the facial feminization process.

Differences between the male and female forehead

The vertical height of the forehead in women is usually higher than in men, that is, the forehead of women is usually larger than in men. Women may have a flat forehead or with a slight convexity, but the supraorbital arch or eyebrows area, and eyebrows never protrude. Not only the shape makes a forehead being perceived as masculine or feminine. Facial feminization surgeons also measure the distance between the surface of the eye and the most prominent part of the forehead. In women, that distance is about 8 mm, while in men it is generally greater.

What does the forehead feminization include?

F orehead feminization involves the reconstruction of the forehead bone by shaving the upper arch and all the protrusions of the forehead bone. At the level of the eyebrow, a technique is performed to "discover" the anterior face of the frontal sinus, reconstruct it, and then reposition it after shaving.
During this surgery, the Iranian surgeon removes forehead wrinkles thanks to the surgical treatment of the frontalis muscle. In this way, the patient avoids botulinum toxin treatments to permanently eliminate forehead wrinkles

Ultrasonic foreheadplasty in iran

In Facifem, we have the latest in craniofacial surgery technology. Thanks to the ultrasonic equipment we can make the cut design more precise, make the bone shaving much more efficient and always making sure not to injure the soft tissue with the ultrasonic saw. Ultrasonic is the state-of-the-art technology for performing delicate bone surgeries. The ultrasonic saw can perform a precise cut or a bone shaving without damaging any soft tissue since it only and exclusively cuts the hard tissue, not injuring other structures such as the skin, epithelia, nerves.
The use of the ultrasonic saw makes the surgery more precise, safer and with less complication risks. All this leads to less postoperative inflammation and a lower risk of damaging delicate structures such as the frontal sinus or the meninges.

What is the condition of the Neanderthal forehead?

The forehead, as one of the main components of the face, occupies up to one third of its total surface. However, there are major differences between men and women in terms of front hairline. Also, the lower part of the forehead, marked by the eyebrows and the eyebrow bones (known as the skull protrusions), show the major differences between the two sexes, because of the bony forehead shape and the raised eyebrow protrusions. Known as Neanderthal forehead protrusions, it helps to differentiate between masculine and feminine . However, when a bony protrusion passes over the forehead above the eyes, known as the boasing eyebrow, it exceeds the acceptable range of protrusion of the eyebrow, creating a very masculine forehead condition called the "Neanderthal forehead." Be. Many types of forehead eyebrows can be classified as "Neanderthal". For example, a sloping forehead, a protruding forehead, and a straight forehead are all considered "Neanderthals."

What makes a Neanderthal forehead?

Frontal bossing can be due to certain conditions that affect your child’s growth hormones. It may also be seen in some types of severe anemia that cause increased, but ineffective, production of red blood cells by the bone marrow.One common underlying cause is acromegaly. This is a chronic disorder that leads to an overproduction of growth hormone. These areas of the body are larger than normal for people with acromegaly :

Other potential causes of neanderthal forehead include:

How is eyebrow bone reduction done and how many types are there?

There are four types of eyebrow reduction methods, each depending on the degree of protrusion of the eyebrow bone, the thickness of the frontal sinus wall, and generally the size of your frontal sinus and forehead .

  1. Eyebrow bone reduction - Reconstruction and filling of the forehead
  2. bone reduction — Forehead reconstruction
  3. bone reduction – Shaving and Filling
  4. bone reduction – Shaving

Who Should Undergo and Expected Results?

Forehead correction surgery is most commonly used to correct the following forehead problems:
Abnormally wide forehead – Patients with an excessively high or large forehead may seek to undergo corrective surgery to make the size of their forehead proportional with the rest of their facial features. The patient can choose between a hairline lowering procedure (using hair grafting) or forehead reduction surgery, or a combination of both. Too masculine-looking forehead – Some women are bothered with having a masculine-looking and bony forehead that is typically characterised by a heavier brow ridge, which is the area located above the eyes and just below the brows. Forehead correction surgery can be performed to achieve a softer, more feminine-looking forehead. This procedure is more specifically known as forehead recontouring or facial feminization surgery
. Unpleasant projection angle – The projection angle is the slanting area in the middle of the forehead and the nose. This can be adjusted using different techniques to achieve different looks, such as a steeper forehead. Frontal bone fracture – Forehead correction procedures are also used to repair foreheads that are damaged or fractured due to trauma or injury. Depressed or dented forehead – This can be corrected by adjusting the bones that cause them or through lipofilling to fill up the dented area. Dominant frontal bossing – If the frontal bossing is too dominant, it gives a person what is sometimes called the “Neanderthal” look. Surgery can either remove the dominant bone or reduce it to flatten the forehead

Who is an Ideal candidate for a forehead brow bone reduction?

Your decision to have a brow bone reduction or forehead lift is a highly personal one, and ultimately your plastic surgeon should be able to give you the right advice and guidance based on your desired aesthetic outcomes. However, the most common patients are transgender and cisgender women who are seeking a facial or head feminization surgery in order to improve the look of their masculine-looking forehead. Furthermore, brow bone reduction surgery can usually be done in order to reduce the forehead protrusion, improve the curve of the forehead, or correct a forehead bone depression.

Forehead Contouring Procedure in Iran

Forehead contouring surgery can be done to do the following :

Forehead contouring in Iran is performed in modern clinics and under the skilled hands of experienced Iranian plastic surgeons. The method of surgery varies based on the patient's anatomy.
It usually takes up to 3 hours, and is done under local anesthesia. It can be carried out through the following methods:

Also, some patients prefer to have hair transplants in the new hairline, but in most cases this is not necessary.
For better results, forehead contouring surgery can be combined with other methods such as blepharoplasty or eyebrow lift.

How long does it take for a forehead reduction?

Hairline lowering treatments usually take between 1.5 and 3 hours, depending on each patient's specific needs. In the majority of cases, the procedure is done in a one-stage surgery with limited downtime and recovery .

What is the process of “Feminizing” the brow bone?

For patients with facial feminization forehead surgery, the method of contouring the forehead bone or the protrusion of the eyebrows changes the masculine appearance around the forehead and the upper eye area, leading to features that are more feminine. Contouring and reduction of the forehead for patients who are following the "feminization process" involves shaping the forehead and orbital bones to remove the male protrusion, opening the eyes and creating a more natural, feminine and softer appearance .

How to reduce eyebrow bone without surgery?

In order to achieve high success of forehead reduction surgery, some patients choose to achieve their aesthetic goals with a non-surgical approach that includes the use of fillers. Botox eyebrow lift or Neanderthal forehead Botox can be considered as eyebrow reduction surgery. However, even non-surgical methods can have many side effects like headaches, pain, and numbness are reported by most patients. there is a very rare cases, such including respiratory problems, drooping eyebrows or eyelids, swallowing problems, and speech changes .

Frequently Asked Questions About Forehead Reduction

is brow bone reduction painful?

Discomfort after surgery varies widely, but most patients report pain and soreness for 3-4 days that is well controlled with medication. Complete scalp numbness can expected above the incision, but feeling slowly returns over the course of months.

What is a brow bone shave?

The goal of brow bone reduction is to sculpt the bone over the eyes to allow light to accentuate the upper face. It is most often a combination procedure with work on the bone, brow lift, and lowering the hairline.

Does the brow bone keep growing?

Our facial bones continue to evolve over time, with some expanding, and others slowly breaking down or melting away in a process called retrusion. Facial height continues to grow until factors like tooth loss have the opposite effect.

Is your forehead supposed to be flat?

We have good news for you. A flat forehead or “sunken” forehead is more common than you might think. The forehead is a major part of the face and typically takes up to one-third of its total surface area. If the forehead is flat or has sunken bones, the overall facial appearance can be rather unattractive.

How thick is your forehead bone?

The mean calvarial thickness is 6.8 to 7.7 mm, which can be safely drilled to a depth of 3-4 mm. The bone is thicker in the female than in the male, and the thickest is in the parietal bone behind the coronal suture; the superotemporal site is thinnest, with a thickness between 4.71 and 6.14 mm.

Is brow bone reduction surgery permanent?

At the level of the eyebrow, a technique is performed to “uncover” the anterior face of the frontal sinus, remodel it and then place it again once shaved. During this surgery, Dr Macía performs the permanent removal of forehead wrinkles thanks to the surgical treatment of the frontalis muscle.

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