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Your vision is vital to your best quality of life. Poor vision can be helped with PRK (photorefractive keratectomy), which is an outpatient, refractive laser eye surgery that treats nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. About 80% of patients see improved vision one month after surgery and 95% after three months .

PRK in Iran: the fact you need to know

PRK /LASEK is a popular type of laser eye surgery for the correction of refractive errors such as myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness) and astigmatism. Better Vision explains all you need to know about this option .

Even PRK is the oldest type of vision correction surgery, it is still widely used by ophthalmologists because it has some advantages over the other laser treatments. i.e. LASIK and LASEK.  PRK is one of the most common treatments for refractive errors in Iran. Given the upscale eye hospitals and clinics in the cities of Tehran, Mashhad, Shiraz, Tabriz, and Esfahan, and the proficient eye specialists in Iran, people from various countries choose to have eye surgery such as PRK in Iran, not to mention the low cost of such treatments in the country.

PRK vs LASIK –  What's the Differences in the Procedures?

The key difference between PRK and LASIK is in the preparation of the eyes or the procedure.

In both cases, you’re given numbing drops so you don’t feel anything during the surgery. You will also be offered an oral sedative to help you relax.

During a PRK procedure, the top layer of the cornea is gently brushed off to allow access to the part of the eye that your doctor will reshape with the excimer laser. This removed outer layer will regenerate and repair itself naturally during the recovery process.

With LASIK surgery, your doctor would make a hinged flap on the surface of the cornea using an intralase femtosecond laser. He will then lift the flap to access the part of the eye that is manipulated with the excimer laser. The flap is then realigned after the LASER treatment is complete.

The main corrective portion of the surgeries are both the same. Once your doctor has access to the deeper corneal tissue layers, doctor will use an extremely precise laser, called an excimer laser, to fix your specific refractive correction or abnormalities in the eye. This portion of the process only takes about 30-60 seconds. The laser technology used in both PRK and LASIK will result in the same results or outcomes.

The recovery and healing for the two procedures is a little different

What To Expect During PRK?

Before surgery

During surgery

After surgery

Advantages of PRK

Disadvantages of PRK

HOW MUCH PRK cost in Iran?

The cost of PRK operation for both eyes in Iran is about 900 to 1600 dollars, which is much more reasonable than in other countries. Different clinics and hospitals in Iran have slightly different PRK prices. To get the price of PRK operation in Iran, please call us or send us a message .

Frequently Asked Questions About PRK Eye Surgery

Is PRK safer than LASIK?

LASIK and PRK are equally safe, and both work well. Around 9 out of every 10 people who have one of these procedures have 20/20 or better vision afterward without the need for glasses or contact lenses. If you're active, you might prefer LASIK because you'll have clear vision faster. 

is PRK so painful?

The surgery itself is painless because of the numbing eye drops, but once the effect of the drops wears off, you may start to feel some discomfort. This sometimes feels like a scratch on the eye and lasts for about four days after the surgery.

Can I get PRK twice?

If you choose to have a second PRK procedure, there's nothing to worry about. Subsequent/follow-up surgery is usually the same as the original procedure in that the entire epithelium will be removed to allow access to the underlying cornea in order to reshape it.

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